Tel.: +33 2 32 55 25 02
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Butterfly dampers


The dampers type REB and RP are especially designed to operate in hot gas and smoke ducts with or without dust

- Dimensions : ND100 to ND3000 (other dimensions on demand)
- Operating temperature : max 350°C / 500°C / 750°C
- resistant to abrasion


The REB is an economically designed damper used for clean gas or with small amount of dust.

- dimensions : ND100 to ND500
- Operating temperature: max. 180°C.
- Pressure: max. 200mm WC

- Download technical file REB

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RP 350 / RP2 350

The RP350 damper is designed to operate in hot gas and smoke ducts.

The RP2 350 damper is designed especially for regulation hot gas and smoke ducts.

- Temperature up to 350°C
- Gas with dust
- Abrasion

- Download technical file RP350

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RP DE 350

The RP DE 350 is a double offset butterfly damper designed to operate in hot gas or smoke ducts.

Its design permits to ameliorate the tightness (around 100%) by specific machining of the seal and of the butterfly.

- Temperature : up to 200 °C

Other design condition on demand

- Download technical file RP DE


RP 500 / RP2 500

The RP500 damper is designed for the most severe working conditions.

The RP2 500 damper is designed for the most severe working conditions, especially for regulation hot gas and smoke ducts.

- Temperature up to 500°C
- Gas with dust
- Abrasion

- Download technical file RP500
- Download technical file RP2 500

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RP 750

The RP750 damper is designed for extreme working conditions.

- Temperature up to 750°C
- Gas with dust
- Abrasion

- Download technical file RP750

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The RP THT damper is designed for extreme working and operating conditions.

- Temperature up to 1100°C

For highest temperature, please contact us

- Download technical file RP THT

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CCMG - ZI Porte Rouge - F27150 ETREPAGNY - Tel. +33(0)2 32 55 25 02 - Fax +33(0)2 32 27 10 22